
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:48:34
摘 要: 《山海经》中的许多神话体现了浓厚的悲剧意识:中国古代先民面对变幻莫测的自然和人生的种种困境时,所遭受的苦难、失败以及他们敢于直面困境,敢于向命运挑战,为生存进行宁死不屈的顽强抗争中所体现出的崇高感与悲剧感。其悲剧意识展现了中国以悲为美的美学思想,对后世产生了深远而重大的影响。
关键词: 《山海经》 悲剧意识 影响

Summary : <shanhaijing>A lot of mythologies of China have reflected strong tragic consciousness: When Chinese ancestors are in the face of being changeable with all sorts of predicaments in life naturally , sufferings , fail, and they dare predicament of facing straightly, dare to challenge destiny, lofty sense and tragic sense that in order to embody in the dogged fight of surviving to prefer to die rather than surrender. Tragic consciousness its represent China with a beautiful aesthstic thought , have a far-reaching and great impact on later age. Keyword: <shanhaijing> Tragic consciousness Influence