
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 01:19:15
李大伯就会脸绽笑容 Then uncle Li will smile like sunshine.
那里最吸引我的是一对老虎 What attract me most is the couple of tigers

过了好几分钟课堂才平静下来Few minutes later the class calmed down.

他必须首先获得知识.然后才能积累财富 He must gain the knowledge first , and then he will accumulate the wealth. 还是He has to attain the knowlegde firstly before accumulating the wealth

一句 不错
二句 是主语从句 WHAT不翻译为那里 把 那里 去掉 就对了
三句 把 才 去掉
四句 He must gain kwoledge before he could accumulate wealth
个人看法啊 翻译其实只要符合原意都对的
