
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 15:34:36

[摘要] 保证期间是保证制度中的一项重要内容,探讨和研究保证期间有极其重要的意义。所谓保证期间就是指保证合同当事人的约定或依法律推定在主债务履行期届满后,保证人能够容许债权人主张权利的最长期限。本文通过对保证期间的起算,终期等适用中的常见问题进行分析,提出立法的不足和修改设想。

[关键词] 保证期间 起算 终期 诉讼时效 完善


On the application of the guarantee period

[摘要] 保证期间是保证制度中的一项重要内容,探讨和研究保证期间有极其重要的意义。所谓保证期间就是指保证合同当事人的约定或依法律推定在主债务履行期届满后,保证人能够容许债权人主张权利的最长期限。本文通过对保证期间的起算,终期等适用中的常见问题进行分析,提出立法的不足和修改设想。
Abstract: The guarantee period is an important part of the guarantee system. The study and research of the guarantee period is of great importance. The so-called guarantee period is the maximum period allowed to the creditor for his claim of rights by the guarantor after the fulfilment of the agreement by the two parties or after the expiration of the main discharge of the debt by law assumptions. Based on his analysis of common problems in the application such as the calculation of the starting point and the end of the guarantee period and so on, the author of this paper points out the lack of legeslation in the issue and puts forward his suggestions for improvement.

[关键词] 保证期间 起算 终期 诉讼时效 完善
Key words: guarantee period; the starting point; the end of th