a chain of short stories about their distance

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 06:29:55



The fisrt episode named Sakura Note is about the two teenagers expressed the affection to each other and the aimless future as well.

The second episode named Astronaut is about Guishu's peaceful and lonely life without the heroine Mingli. Through another girl's description, we may find out that Guishu missed Mingli so much.

The third episode named 5cm/second tells us the unrelated life of the girl and the boy. Their interlaced conversation told us the inconstant life and the minute power of human.

5cm Per Second which is consist of three stories, abandoned suspense and came back to life. A great amount of scenes of reality portrayed that Yuanye Guishu and Xiaoyuan Mingli were set apart because of the junior school graduation with true-life cartoons. They adored each other and always kept each other in mind. However, they can only leave their affections elsewhere due to the great distance. As time went by, Guishu finally determined to show Min