求my last week 文章

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 02:54:49

"_" I went to Motor Expo n new shoppin mall lasweek ... but kinda lazee so didnt write anythin at all. I uploaded sum pix ... u guys can take a look. Actually, there's nothin interestin at Motor expo ... but i was just so in love with sum Kool cars so i went there somehow eventhought i had to pay much money for taxi (freakin far away). Cars were oke but gals were so damn KUTE ..^_^ .. i took some pix n kept in my fone (crazee rite ?!).
About new shoppin mall (name: Siam PARAGON), all i can say is : DAMN KOOL. Its freakin huge n imazin. I didnt even noe where i was ... just friggin around for few hrs n led to the inside Aquarium. My frs did make a lot of joke n we kept laughin like crazee. well ... u better go there n see how is it look like ... its hard to describe ..."_"
1 shock news: I did buy a ticket for BSB's concert live in BKK ... damn SHOCK rite ? ... I've never joined any music stuff like that before ... but im goin to change that t