诚心学习 请高手帮忙看看这两篇英语短文哪个好一些 第一篇有些什么不足的地方 谢谢了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 06:05:40
Promotion of the cooperation and exchange between Canadian and Chinese Institutes
August 2008,Doctor Many Unusual—the executive president of World Educational,Scientific and Cultural Consortium, pulled the strings of the cooperation between Canada Aero Academy Inc and Qing Dao North Foreign Communication of Education Institute.Canada Aero Academy Inc is one of the Canada flight training insititution forerunners ,it is also a flight institute ,which serves the best flight training for students from all over the world and enjoys great popularity internationally. Qing Dao North Foreign Communication of Education Institute is the base of China and Russia to cultivate the undergraduates,it is included in the government’s items run units which China and Russia Ministries of Education center on and prioritize.Doctor Many Unusual chronologically communicated with the representatives and directors of the two institutes,thus to promote the coorperation of the two parties.


首先是用词方面:1.Promotion 和 Promoting 一个名词一个动词,其区别在于名词表达的是静态含义,只能表现双方做了促进工作,而动词是动态的,不仅能说明双方做了促进工作,并且现在一直都在促进着.
2.Institutes 一词的含义广泛,读者看了不明白到底是什么机构,应该像第二篇中的那样明确说出来.
3.最后一句thus to promote the coorperation of the two parties有问题,从整句话看,communicat和promote是并列的动词,既然这样,就不用加to了.

{以上为个人意见,仅供参考 :-)}

其次,从行文上讲,第一篇的第二句和第三句都过于头重脚轻:主语后跟了一堆修饰语,看得人疲惫不堪。而第二篇则使用了插入语(第二句中的one of the pioneering flying training institutions in Canada和第三句中的the training base for the undergraduate students by China and Russia jointly)来修饰主语,使文章变得跳跃灵活。

Canada Aero Academy Inc is one of the Canada flight training insititution forerunners ,it is also a flight institute ,
