
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 09:20:24

摘要]以武昌区实地调研的调查数据和访谈为基本材料,分析了农村流动儿童的群体特征: 流动性强、城市化水平高、家庭贫困、类别不平衡等以及这些特征对其接受义务教育的负面影响。同时,针对这些问题提出政策建议:政府加大教育投入,降低农村流动儿童接受义务教育的成本;均衡配置教育资源,保障农村流动儿童义务教育的公平;通过社会援助,帮助提高流动儿童义务教育质量等。

Abstract of group feature of emigration children in rural area and the adverse effect on its compulsory education

Analysis of group feature of emigration children in rural area based on the primary information of statistic data of field reseach and interview in Wuchang district:
The adverse effect on its compulsory education by the features of frequent emigration, high-standard urbanization, poverty of family and imbalanced classification and etc.
Meanwhile, advise is put up focusing on these issues: The government shall spend more money on education, reduce the cost of the compulsory education of emigration children in rural area;balancedly configurate the educational resources, guarantee the fairness of compulsory education of emigration children in rural area; help to improve the education quality of emigration children in rural area; and etc.

Keywords:emigration children in rural area; group feature;compulsory education; adverse effect.