
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 19:05:59
这便是发生在中国四川的7.8级大地震.它惊动了世界,灾区人民的命运也牵动着13亿中国人的心.对于同胞的离去,家园的毁灭,我们曾经绝望,曾经放弃,我们曾经认为黑暗吞噬了我们的心. 可是,光明的火焰撑起了所有的希望,我们的心灵被再次温暖,善良的人们用他们那颗火热的心,再次点燃生命的火炬!不再惊恐,不再悲痛,不再绝望!

麻烦大家帮忙用英文翻译出来!急需!拜托了! 而且尽量减少语法错误!

May 12, 2008. 14:28. To the ground under a severe chatter. On the ground all up and shaking violently. Panic-stricken people. Wavering housing Huang came up to the collapse.
This is what took place in Sichuan, China's 7.8 earthquake. It alerted the world, the people in the disaster areas also affects the fate of the 1.3 billion Chinese people's heart. Compatriots to leave their homes destroyed, we have despair, had to give up, we The darkness that has engulfed our hearts. However, the bright flame up all hope that our hearts were once again warm and kind-hearted people in their heart of hearts fiery re-light the torch of life! Not panic, do not And then grief, despair no longer!
Hand in hand, heart to heart, we move forward together.

May 12, 2008. 14:28. To the ground under a severe chatter. On the ground all up and shaking violently. Panic-stricken people. Wavering housing Huang came up to the collapse.
This is what took place in Sichuan, China's