需求帮助 英译汉 高手进来帮帮忙

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 23:05:25
Strategic Developments in the UK Grocery Industry
Before we can start thinking about the sorts of strategies pursued by UK supermarkets, or the question of who is competing against whom we need to understand some of the key issues and developments at play in the industry. Many of these can be termed environmental issues and most strategy textbooks will encourage students to group such factors under headings such as Legal, Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Competitive. Some texts may just focus on “PEST” factors – but, this is all essentially the same stuff.
Note that here we mean “environmental” not in the sense of the natural environment or ecology, but of what is often termed the “business environment” – ie all these factors which surround businesses and which they may chose to see in a pro-active, dynamic way as creating business opportunities or in a defensive way as requiring consolidation and reactive behaviour.
Task and Reading

请注意,这里我们指的“环境”没有意义的自然环境或生态,但什么是通常被称为“商业环境” -即所有这些因素,企业和环绕它们可能选择中看到积极的,动态的方式创造商业机会或防守的方式,需要巩固和被动的行为。
阅读下面的文章,并概括了关键的战略发展中的英国超市部门讨论的文章。说明在何种程度上你会请这些因素“环境” ,并确定任何重大改变的部门,该部门已发生之日起的文章。最多3的A4规定双方在11个点绿色。参考您的来源。
哈维先生( 2000 )创新和竞争的英国超级市场,供应链管理,第5卷1 ,序言段15 - 21 (透过翡翠)
第一部分的任务需要你把重点放在具体来源,但第二部分的任务需要你找到并使用了一系列最新的消息,讨论了“重大变化” ,以该部门自2000年以来。
在文章中哈维( 2000年,第19页)说: “这是有可能的推测,变动率将放慢,而”四大“零售商将坐在他们相对寡头垄断收益。但同样有可能这一进程的长期活力的增长可能停滞短期的价格战刺激了贴现模型的零售或管理框架,采取了狭隘观点的竞争作为一个简单的产品和价格,并坚决反对坚定的。 “注意单词“寡头垄断” -这是一个经济工具,了解竞争-你明白这意味着什么这意味着对行业的问题?而且,究竟竞争的部门?