帮忙翻译一下 不要机译!谢谢!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 21:44:48
帮忙把下面的话翻译一下 要自己翻译的不要机译 谢谢!!像金山词霸、GOOGLE翻译什么的就别回答了 ■回答了也不会给你分!!■ 内容挺多的 麻烦了! 好的话分数可以再加 另外 我还有一个问题那个里面回答我都不满意 有兴趣可以去看看 帮我解决一下 那个是200分






案例:吕先生在淘宝网上买了一双帆布运动鞋,当时卖家还通过视频向他展示了鞋的样品,他觉得没什么问题,但买回来,穿了两个星期就断帮了。本想节省60多元钱(网购价比专卖店价格便宜60多元),结果反而损失了120多元钱 (鞋的价格是120多元)。如果按照专卖店价格180元计算,吕先生的成本增加了120多元,实在亏大了。







the represention of another hidden cost is time wasting.maybe many net citizens pay much attention to saving time,and they do not have to go to store,but it is not tally with the facts.That means if it costs sometimes for a person to shopping online. This period of time is not less than the time you spend in going to a store. as we know when we go to store, we need to spend a lot of time to consult the quality and price of the goods from seller. many customers realize that they can spend a short time to determine the goods they want to buy,however ,this thought is not correct in people's mind.people also have to compare capability of the goods to many others.if the speed of the internet is slow, they may fail to shopping online,so shopping online is not the most secure way for people to get goods that they want.
another important fact is that people must be patient to wait for their goods. the express delivery also need a lot of time

Net purchases are increasingly com