
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 11:39:02


The younger generation is not a little anxiety and dissatisfaction with the fresh, adolescent issues are always a headache for people. When I was traveling a speech at the university, the University --- and all types of large-scale and small, public and The students ---- private conversation, the widespread anxiety that I was extremely impressed by this state of affairs in California and Massachusetts, Nebraska, as well as the campus is obvious. Reluctance to go to college Too many young people, so that we can tell them that they should go to college, but does not seem to be better than this choice. The elderly to sell their universities, because this is good for them. But some people will never Not like to go to college, they talk about their school life, as if it is a kind of forced to put up with the hard labor, students and university instructors told us that the same situation on the ---- students from the university because of their parents and teachers Pressure on them to sta