
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 01:18:05
实验的月亮昨晚似乎格外的圆 妈妈不远千里来到我的身边 十六岁的我已懂了什么叫思念 十五的月亮一半是太阳的光辉 一半是妈妈慈祥的笑脸 踏上了征程就不能回眸吗 但是为什么我的思想总是定格在挥手的那一瞬间 十六年前 妈妈噙着泪看着呱呱坠地的我 十六年后 我却又残忍的将这一幕重演 火车慢慢的开动 却拉不走妈妈给我的爱和思念 妈妈的笑容渐渐的远去 我知道妈妈就在千里之外担心 心与心是没有距离的 大家都说十五的月亮十六圆 但是没了妈妈的夜晚还会圆么 我不知道 其实 我早已看见 妈妈的泪如珠子断了线 妈妈的白发忽隐忽现 今天我要亲切的叫一声妈妈 更要敬畏的叫一声母亲 妈妈儿子就在四分之三的千里之外 但是儿子的思念永远萦绕在您的周围 妈妈您抬头看见远方的天边的第一只鸿雁 就是我给您的祝福与思念

by chance i found a piece of paper in my son's bag after he came back from National Day Holidays. on it he wrote some interesting words which expressed his love for us and his understanding to parents. i published it secretly without his concent for i found parents were undertood between his words on that piece of paper. it worte like this:
i have a full moon on National Day Holidays. mum came to see me by travelling a long distance. (I am very happy.) being a 16-year-old, i understood plainly what longing for a man is. that day, it was mum's smile in sunshine that made the moon full. wouldn't i go back for even a look when i got on the lifetrain? and why is the sight of waving googbye frozen in mind?
sixteen years ago, mum, with all her kindness, looked at my birth, tears in her eyes. sixteen years later, i left her again, cruel. that day, the train was dragging out slowly, but can never drag mum's love. mum's smile disappearing, i know mum will be w