
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 22:46:30

Asian descendant Americans have made remarkable contribution to U.S.A.. These contribute and include each fields such as natural science, medical science, law, culture, art etc.. Because Asian descendant immigrants' country of ancestral home has rich and varied tradition, they have promoted the development of U.S.A.'s culture greatly, have improved the living standard of the whole American people

Asian-Americans to the United States made an outstanding contribution. These include, for example, contributions to the natural sciences, medicine, law, culture, arts and other fields. As the ancestral home of the Asian-American countries have a rich and diverse traditions, they contributed greatly to the development of American culture and improve the living standards of people throughout the United States.

Asian-Americans to the United States made an outstanding contribution. These include, for example, contributions to the natural sciences, medicine, law, culture, art