
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 13:44:39
有台机子中病毒了,老板叫我用用金山毒霸杀毒,我杀完以后就用还原卡还原了!可在启动时总是蓝屏,文件我给你发过去了,你看看,显示的就是上边的英文,我看不懂,也翻译不了!额是临时网管,不懂,请大家帮忙!我重启N次还是老样子!蓝屏是的字是这样的!大家请帮帮我!a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your computer. if this cereen appears again, follow these steps:

check to be sure you have adequate disk space. if a driver is identified in the stop message,disable the driver or check with the manfacturer for driver updates.try changing videoadapters.

check wiht your hardware vendor for any bios updates. disable bios mamory options such as caching or shadowing .if you need to use sage mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options,and then select safe mode.

thchnical information:

*** stop:0x0000008e (0xc0000005,0xbf803ee6,0xf7706c94,0x00000000)

*** win32k.sys - address vf

stop:0x0000008e (0xc0000005,0xbf803ee6,0xf7706c94,0x00000000)
应用程序发生异常 未知的软件异常(0x0eedfade),位置为0x7c81eb33
1 系统还原:适用于这种情况刚发生,并且没有关闭相关磁盘的系统还原的情况。
2 卸载近期安装的软件:冲突,至少是两个或者两个以上的软件之间吧,卸载近期安装的软件,可以使冲突一方退避。
3 寻找相关替代软件。
4 修复软件。就是重新安装软件。有可能新安装的软件破坏了已有软件的文件(冲突),重新安装可以修复



文件丢失 用安装盘修复看看