
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 10:33:54
If you think that life in a city is faster than you can imagine, you are not far wrong .

A British research study found that, globally, people’s walking speeds have increased by 10 percent over the last decade, with the biggest increases in the Far East. The research ranked Singapore, Copenhagen and Madrid as the world’ s most frenetic() cities.

While in Singapore ,the walking pace has risen by 30 percent, in Guangzhou ,China , the figure was 20 percent.

However, sorne cities usually noted for their intensity, were relatively low on the scale. New York was rated eighth, while London twelfth and Tokyo came in at position 16. The most laid-back places are Blantyre in Malawi and Manama, in Bahrain. The research was carried out by Professor Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire, in Hatfield, north of London , who measured the average time it took 35 adults in each city to walk 60 feet.

“ By 2040 , we’ll be arriving before we set o


英国一项全球调查显示,在过去10年内,人们的行走速度快了10%,而增长最快的在远东地区, 而新加坡,哥本哈根和马德里则"荣居"榜首,成为最疯狂的城市.



崴兹门说,到2040年,我们还没出发,就已经到了目的地. 从心理学的角度上说,人们的步速是由他们的焦急程度和他们认为他们应该以多快的速度做事决定的.



他说,"那些担心他们的生活太过焦虑的人,可以问问他们自己诸如以下的问题,吃饭时是不是第一个结束;在街上走路时,被别人挡住了,是不是觉得十分恼火; 在商店购物时,会不会因为要排几分钟的队,而宁愿离开."