一段 英 语 阅读,特来求教意思。谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 20:42:17
The next day, in the Tel Aviv airport, the Israeli women whisked through customs and baggage claim. The Palestinian women did not. When the Israeli women realized that all the Palestinians had been detained, they turned around, went back and refused to leave the customs hall themselves until all the Palestinians were released. That, I learned, is what it means to proceed in the “ways of peace.” It means having the courage to make human connections with those we fear, with those we hate, with those who think differently than we do. It means refusing to leave the other behind as we go.

第二天,在特拉维夫机场,护送以色列妇女通过海关及行李认领。巴勒斯坦妇女没有。当以色列妇女认识到,所有的巴勒斯坦人已被拘留,他们转身,回去和拒绝离开自己的海关大厅,直到所有的巴勒斯坦人被释放。这一点,我的经验教训,是这意味着什么着手在“和平的方式。 ”这意味着有勇气,使人类的连接与那些我们担心,我们与那些仇恨,那些不同的想法谁比我们做。这意味着,拒绝离开,后面的其他正如我们去。