
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 19:52:27
She lay in a classic feline pose, legs stretched out, head proudly held high, turned to one side, a classic pose that delights high-fashion photographers—and the many who came to have their picture taken with her. No stranger to celebrity, her perfect features graced cards, stationery, newsletters; her strong and supple body played centerfold to many a lovely frame on bed stands, dresser tops and mahogany desks. Gorgeous, regal and, though young, she was principal ambassador to the kingdom of Shambala and known throughout the world as a wondrous symbol of beauty and raw energy, and circumstantial luck."Subira is her name," the lovely woman, clad in jeans, boots and buckskin coat, said, beaming. Thoughtfully, she looked at the small group of young people who were there on a field trip from a local rehab center. With gentle affection in her voice, the woman said, "She's a three-year-old cheetah, not even at the height of her game. Magnificent, isn't she!"

她象猫那样躺着,腿伸了出来,而头高傲地昂起并转到一边去.这个经典的姿势是摄影师最喜欢的一种姿势---而很多摄影师已经为她拍过照片.无论是陌生人还是达官贵人,在精美的卡名、各式文具及新闻报道中都出现过她的玉照。她那有力但又柔软的杂志照片被很多仰慕她的人贴在床边、梳妆台上及桃花桌子上。她的样子迷人、高贵而且又年轻,她是出使山巴拉王国的主要大使,全世界都将她作为美丽、野性活力及上帝宠儿的化身。那个一身牛仔裤、穿着皮靴及身上披着鹿皮外套的可爱女人高兴地说:“Subira 是她的名字”。她若有所思地看着那一小群正在进行实地考察年青人,他们是来自当地恢复中心的。那个女人用温柔及富有感染力的声音说:“她是一只三岁大的印度豹,还没到她独领风骚的时候(game,在此应作“处于有利时机”解)。叹为观止,不是吗?”
