
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 16:20:36


2.吃芝麻、花生。富含维生素E和多种营养,可以帮助维生素B的吸收,加强神经对抗寒冷的能力。维生素E 还有扩张血管的作用,可以加强肢体末梢儿的血液循环。



请高手赐教,若结果满意追加50分,决不食言。 谢谢。。。

It's a common phenomenon for people to feel freezing in the hands and feet in the winter. That's because the low temperature of nature and people's lack of Yang.
1, Panax quinguefolium. Fine medicine to reinforcing Qi with gentle charater, benificial, and no dryness-heat. Can be simply took with water.
2, Sesames and peanuts. Containing plenty of Vitamin E, various nutrient, and be helpful in assimilating Vitamin B, enhensing cold resistance of nerve. Vitamin E will expand arteries veins and strenthen blood circulation of limbs.
3,Onions and peppers are helpful in heat generation and blood circulation.


3:Eats the ocean, the hot pepper and so on to be possible to help the body to live the quantity, to press food which the blood follows.
1:Eats the American ginseng. This is the good medicine which one kind restores vital energy, the nature is