
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 05:52:46
在5000多年中华文明史上,王氏历代才俊辈出,如王安石,被列宁誉为“中国11世纪最伟大的改革家” 王羲之,中国古代最杰出的书法家和美籍华人“电脑大王”王安,

Wang is the second most popular last name in China, with over 10 million population,which is about 7.4% of China's total population. Wang is my last name.There are three origins for Wang.First, from historical materials,people with last name of Wang are mostly the offspring of an emperor.For example,after Zhou dynasty was extinguished,the royal family were forced to exile.In order for the offspring to remember their noble identity,they used Wang as their last names,because Wang has the meaning"Emperor" is Chinese.Next,when emperors reward people with last names,they reward distinguished chancellors with the last name "Wang" as a praise and gift.For centuries chancellor regard this is an utmost honor.Last,the converting of languages of minorities to Chinese is also an origin for Wang.
In the over-five-thousand years of Chinese civilization,Wang enjoyed a good reputation.For example, Anshi Wang is regarded as "the greatest reformist in 11th century in