
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 23:40:02
1.The United States almost certainly depart from Thailand where the government has declared U.S forces unwelcome and from Taiwan which the United States should evacuate under the terms of U.S-Chinese Comunique of 1972

2.I am convinced that a new situation would arise if the United States, which ha manifested wish for pacification, as reaffirmed most recently by Ambassador Goldburg,were to stop the bombing of North View Nam without condition and limitaion.


2. 我很确信,正如大使Goldburg最近不断重申的,如果有明确意愿要讲和的美国无条件无限制的停止轰炸北View Nan,一种新局势将产生。


1.美国从政府宣称美国军队不受欢迎和从台湾美国应该在美国中国Comunique 1972年条件下撤出的泰国几乎一定离去
2.我被说服一个新的情况将出现,如果美国, ha镇定的被体现的愿望,如最近重申由Goldburg大使,是停止北部看法Nam轰炸没有情况和limitaion。