
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 09:28:47

With the constant development of China's market economic system and mature SMEs in the national economy has occupied an increasingly important position. Today in the information developed high-speed computer technology, network technology and information communications technology has developed rapidly, enterprise informationization construction delay. Our SMEs, whether in management or in the development of technology, together with the advanced international level have a considerable gap. My only identify current SME development of the information industry are some of the major problems, learning foreign enterprises advanced informationization construction programme through transformation and be innovative, reasonably applied to our SMEs which, I can guarantee long-term development of SMEs can be conducive to China's rapid economic growth. Because of this, this article through to the relevant content on informationization construction, the actual situation of our SMEs, our