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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 14:29:25
Tom Sawyer is an orphan who lives with his Aunt Polly on the banks of the Mississippi River.His story takes place more than 100 years ago---during a time when slavery still existed.
When Tom isn't trying to show off for the cutest girl in school,Becky Thatcher,he's off with his best friend,Huck Finn.
Tom and Huck Finn.Tom and Huck are first-class troublemakes,which many of you will probably be able to relate to--especially if you've ever wanted to just walk out of a boring math class and go skateboarding,or in Tom's case,go rafting down the Mississippi River and pretend to be a pirate.Tom and Huck are free spirits whose sense of adventure is more important than things like bathing or going to school.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book that has a bit of everything---treasure hunts,murder,romance,and a look at what life was like when kids played with dead rats and frogs,instead of PSPs.

Tom Sawyer is an orphan who lives with his Aunt Polly on the banks of the Mississippi River.汤姆.索耶是一个孤儿,他跟着姨妈波莉住在密西西比河岸。His story takes place more than 100 years ago---during a time when slavery still existed. 他的故事发生在100多年前,那时候奴隶制度仍然存在。
When Tom isn't trying to show off for the cutest girl in school,Becky Thatcher,he's off with his best friend,Huck Finn. 当汤姆不在贝基.撒切尔,学校里最漂亮的女孩面前炫耀时,他就跟他最好的朋友哈克. 芬恩逃学。
Tom and Huck Finn.汤姆和哈克.芬恩。Tom and Huck are first-class troublemakes,which many of you will probably be able to relate to--especially if you've ever wanted to just walk out of a boring math class and go skateboarding,or in Tom's case,go rafting down the Mississippi River and pretend to be a pirate.汤姆和哈克是第一让人头痛的麻烦男孩。很容易让人联想到是怎样一种麻烦,特别是当你曾经想要直接走出无聊的数学课堂然后去玩滑板。至于汤姆,他逃课去划竹筏沿着密西西比河顺流而下,假扮成海盗。Tom and Huck are free spirits whose sense of adventure is more important than things like bathing or going to school.汤姆和哈克是无拘无束的人,对他们来说,冒险比起洗澡或上学这些事情更重要。The Adventures of Tom Sawy