
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:44:35
1. Explain the significance of the camouflage paint that Jack puts on.

B)how does it affect his personality?

C)how does it make him a better hunter?

D)in what ways does it reveal his personality and it what does it hid it?
E)discuss its symbolic meanings.

2. Explains why Golding(the author) would put the first successful pig hunt in the same chapter as the first significant failure of the fire to get the boys rescued. B) what does this tell you about the boys and what changes are taking place in them and their goals and even the ways they treat each other.

3.Again-what do we see as Simon's role and hos is Golding developing it?

我回答你问题 有没有加分啊···分这么少
1.pig's blood
jack wants to be more savage
it reveals his personality
2.To show the different desicion will have different result
Boys more care about their stomach than be rescued. They start not following the rules that Ralph made.
3.Simon always be different with other kids.Simon just like a adult in the island.

到Sparknote网上去搜,好多,输入The Lord of flies.

我们的写作老师也是给了我们读这本书,不过,我是做chapter 9的,帮不了你,,不好意思..