高分求高手帮我翻译!一定要精准! (3)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 13:02:31

而现在这个世界,太多的艺术被当成了筹码,被当成了职业。说得难听些也确切些,是被当成了谋生的手段。很多“艺术家”会振振有辞地辩解:艺术没有用!它不能提供我生存的基本需要!是,或许确实如此。艺术真的没有什么用。 它无法如科学一般快速推动整个世界,也并不能像经济一样懂得操纵整个时代;它不知道娱乐和财富背后的万能手掌,甚至不知道怎么好好地让自己在金钱的池子中出淤泥而不染。但是,它测出的是整个时代或巨大或微小的脉搏,描摹的是或光明或阴暗的角落。它洞悉了整个时代的秘密,并非通过严密的推断证明,而是通过纯真的本能。

If the existence of God, when he saw a "born equal" and went so far as people have different life situation, and if he saw this as a good children become indifferent to stop profit-making, he can stand? Even if he has a lot of power, with an order for all the wealth of all zero in order to enable them to create new life from scratch again, after all, can not be predicted or the rich richer and the poor or poor.
As long as there is desire, all human activities are not entirely rational at all. God, do nothing.

Well, artists do? Perhaps you may ask. Artists are not the closest known as God's people?
I said, is not. When people engage in the arts as the "home", the noble art disappeared without a trace. Do not believe it? • If the high-alive who, if alive, Michelangelo, they will open a certain name for themselves: I am not an artist, I love the arts and those who dedicate themselves to it! Art need not seniority, nor is it money, b