
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 12:17:53

Bob Marley,一个音乐界不容忽视的名字。他是第三世界的超级巨星,雷鬼音乐的鼻祖,他的音乐包含了宽容、博爱及信仰,他短暂的一生赢得了不同肤色不同阶层人民的爱戴。
1964年Marley组建了“Wailing Wailers”乐队,1978年在“一份爱,一份和平”的音乐会上,Marley将牙买加总理曼利和他最大的政敌的手握在一起,高举过头顶,这一象征和解的动作载入了史册。Marley与他乐队在雷鬼乐的形态里给予牙买加人民自尊、自信和和平。

Bob Marley is an indispensable name in music world. He is the super star in the third world countries as the founder of REGGAE music. His music comprises toleration, universal love and belief. His short life has gained the love and esteem of the people from different classes and different countries.

In 1964, Marley found the music band of “Wailing Wailers”. In 1978, in the music party of “love and peace”, Marley made Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica, and his political rival, Edward Seaga, joined each other on stage and shook hands, which was recorded in history. Marley and his music band give Jamaican self-respect, confidence and peace through REGGAE music.
