
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 23:20:22
1.那个中年妇女在法庭上说对没有照顾好母亲感到惭愧。(ashame )
2.人人都要以法律来判断什么是对的,什么是错的。(by means of)

The middle- aged woman said that she was ashamed of not having taken good care of her mother at the court.

Everyone must judge whether he's right or wrong by means of laws.

The students come from backward rural areas needn't feel they are inferior to others.

1.那个中年妇女在法庭上说对没有照顾好母亲感到惭愧。(ashame )
2.人人都要以法律来判断什么是对的,什么是错的。(by means of)

1. The middle-aged women said in court did not take good care of mothers feel ashamed of itself.
2. Everyone must judge whether he's right or wrong by means of laws.
3.The students come from backward rural areas needn't feel they are inferior to others.