谁能帮忙翻译简历里的一段 不要用在线翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 13:56:36
给某外企的简历 这家HR的要求很高 以我现在的能力翻译这些很困难- -

说的很有道理 - -
进去后还是个问题 学习是肯定少不了的
英语能力我现在的确不行 这个工作是后门塞进去的 这世道 想做什么工作也不是我能决定的
被安排了要走的路 我只能硬着头皮去学去努力
进去之后里面的人肯定也是这样看我 开后门的 英语又只有4级 新手
被排挤被孤立给上级BS 这些我都准备着
但是 起点低不代表我的办事能力也有问题

respose for the record of books' storage
response for distributing books from publishing company to schools.inquire about if company have the books that school ordered

contact with the publishing company,discuss with them about the payment, shippment against payment or payment after delivery,in charge of the schedule of books distribution

after delivery checking the number and if it was broken or soaking, report any problem in time .

when the delay of the publishing company result in out of stock, moderate relationship .ensure the teaching of college could be going well
