
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:21:32

There are many versions about Firecrackers Festival of the Dong's. It is said that shooting from the ancient ceremony of thanksgiving to restore a temple activities. The “Sanjiang Dong ethnic self county annals” about Guangxi reads: Fireworks robbery is one of the Sanjiang Historic Town temple fair activities in ancient time, it always hold in a place which has temples and sacrifice some kinds of manitou. Also, they should carry the Krishna and take the Bodhisattva to go around their village before rob the fireworks so as to ask the god to bless them. And then scramble to hold the final act fireworks activities, such as the Walled Lusheng. Qing Dynasty of Xianfeng (1851 – 1861), in order to worship the local people, "Hau Wong Second St.," and Wu Shing Temple (Kuan Kung Temple ),they hold a fireworks in the third lunar month which is called “Rush For the Fair” by local people. They treated the "fireworks" as the mascot so that you will get wind and rain come