
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 12:57:29
今天,计算机网络、通讯技术的日渐成熟,对人类社会的生产生活各方面产生了深远的影响。在教育领域,也迫切要求结合现代计算机技术和信息技术的最新成果,使学校的各种管理工作步入信息化时代。良好的管理信息系统在学校管理的管理工作中可以节省大量的人力和物力,也避免了大量重复性的工作。作为在这方面的尝试之作,采用B/S技术开发的学生管理系统是典型的MIS信息管理系统(MIS是Management Information Systems的缩写),开发工作主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。由于对客户方运行环境没有特殊需要,用户可以在校园网或者其他任何联网计算机上用浏览器方便地进行操作,可以将时间、地点等因素的影响降到最小。科学的信息系统提高了学校的管理水平,使学校办公效率可以有很大的提高,化简了繁琐的工作模式,从而使学校的成绩管理更加合理化和科学化。


Today, the calculator network, communication is technical gradual mature, faced to produce the profound influence to the living everyone of social production of mankind.At educate the realm, also request to combine the technical last word of modern calculator technique and informations urgently, base various management work of the school follow on information for ages.The good management information system management work manage at school in can save a great deal of manpower and material resourceses, also avoided a great deal of work of repetition.The conduct and actions is in this aspect of trial make, student the management system of the adoption B/ S technique development is the typical MIS information management system( the MIS is the abbreviation of the Management Information Systems), develop the work mainly includes the backstage database of establishment and maintenances and the head application procedure develop two aspects.Because circulating the environment to without