
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 04:35:17
HJ主要的艺术技巧是独到的角度,即叙述人物的所见、所闻及所思。作者起用了Wb作为“中心信息源”角色,通过Wb的角度,而非小说主人公DM的角度来叙说故事;因“中心信息源”— Wb受阅历的局限,特别是Wb对Dm有罗曼蒂克的情感,本人又接受了正统的欧式教育,他的所见所闻所思必然有所选择和过滤;而HJ把欧洲中部国家— 瑞士的旅游胜地韦维小镇,作为故事开始的地点,为以后愈演愈烈的文化冲撞埋下了伏笔:作者选择在这个随处可见到无拘无束的美国游客的小镇上让Wb与Dm首次相遇。

Winterbourne: a wanderer in cultural crash
The main artistic skill of James is the original perspective that is to narrate what the character sees, hears and thinks. The author use Winterbourne to perform the character of the 'core information resources', the story is narrated from the perspective of Winterbourne, not from the leading role Daisy's The 'core information resources ', Winterbourne was restricted in his experiences, especially he had romantic emotion for Daisy, he has simultaneously been though to accept the traditional Euro-education, he was able to think and choose what he saw and heard to some extend. James makes the Vevey town of Swiss land, which is in the middle part of Europe, as the starting point for the story. It hint a foreshowing for the cultural crash which would become more violent----in the small town where free-and-easy Americans ordinarily appeared, Winterbourne met Daisy for the first time.

Wb: cultural clashes in those<