
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 17:30:37

肉类 Meat
白切肉 boiled pork sliced
白扣羊肉 boiled mutton
爆牛肚 fried trips
扁豆肉丝 shredded pork and french beans
冰糖肘子 pork jiont stewed with rock sugar
菠萝香酥肉 sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple
叉烧肉 bbq pork(cantonese tyle)/grilled pork
炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork
炒木须肉 fried shreds of pork,fungus and eggs ,meat with omelet and fungus
炒里脊丝 saute pork fillet shreds
炒肉片 fried pork sliced
炒肉丁 fried meat cubes
炒肉丝 fried shredded pork
炒猪肝 fried pork liver
炒肚尖 fried tip of pig's tripes
炒羊肚 fried lamb tripes
豉汁牛肉 fried beef with soy bean sauce
葱爆肉丁 sliced pork with scallion
葱爆肉粉丝 pork slices with vermicelli
葱爆羊肉 fried mutton slice with green scallion
葱头牛肉丝 shredded beef with onion
脆皮三丝卷 crisp rolls of pork,sea-cucumber and bamboo shoots
冬笋炒肉丝 asute shredded pork with bamboo shoots
冬菇猪蹄 pig's trotters with mushrooms