
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/23 14:48:02
【摘要】 临终关怀顾名思义就是对临终者的关怀。服务对象主要是目前医学条件尚无法救治的晚期癌症临终病人。同时也包括对临终者家属提供包括居丧期在内的生理、心理慰藉和支持等。临终关怀是为生命即将结束的患者提供全面的身心照护与支持。其宗旨是减少患者的痛苦,增加患者的舒适,提高其生命质量,维护临终患者的尊严。临终关怀护理是一项高尚而艰巨的工作,它体现了人道主义精神。作为医护工作者,应根据实际需要,因人而异地做好临终关怀工作,充分显示临终关怀的温暖和力量,使临终患者在真正人间温情的照顾下,舒适、安详、有尊严地度过人生的最后阶段。

【关键词】 癌症晚期 晚期患者 临终关怀 护理

As the name suggests is that hospice care for dying. Services targeted mainly at current medical conditions can not be treatment of terminal patients with advanced cancer. At the same time also includes the families of the dying, including居丧period, including physical, psychological comfort and support. Hospice Care is coming to an end of life of patients to provide comprehensive physical and psychological care and support. Its purpose is to reduce the suffering of patients, increasing patient comfort and enhance their quality of life, and safeguard the dignity of dying patients. Hospice care is a noble and arduous work, which embodies the spirit of humanitarianism. As health care workers, should be based on the actual needs of hospice care varies from person to person to do a good job of work, which fully demonstrates the warmth and strength of hospice care, so that dying patients in the real world, under the care of warmth, comfort, tranquility and dignity of life through the final