各位大虾帮忙!!翻译如下文字!! 在推荐几个外国作文网站(英文的)!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 08:12:20
写英文作文 题目: my 50 advantageous (我的五十个优势)
写作要求:字数不限 每个优势扩展一两句 大家都尽量多发挥哈(毕竟五十是个不小的数字,大家尽量)她的基本资料是这样的:擅长古筝,钢琴等多种乐器 曾多次获作文比赛奖 还有军训优秀学员 运动会最辛苦奖等多项殊荣 大一 音乐专业 漂亮(很)
请各位虾们千万帮忙啊 就靠各位了 尽快啊!!谢谢的五体投地!!!
补充:请各位高手或国际友人都来晒下文采 请各位不要只简单翻译资料 还是多通过对题目和对出题人意愿的理解 多加些自己的发挥 某高校作业!!! 估计是让学生写对自己处于社会中的竞争优势的认识把...反正拜托各位了!!




English essay writing topic: my 50 advantageous (to my advantage 50)

Writing requirements: the number of words not limited to the expansion of each edge 12 U.S. and Kazakhstan are to play as many as possible (after all 50 is not a small number of U.S. as far as possible), her basic information is as follows: at guzheng, piano and many other instruments have more than times were also military training essay contest awards talented students to work the hardest Games Award-winning freshman wide range of professional music pretty (very)

Please help tens of millions of shrimp who depends on you ah ah as soon as possible!! Thank的五体投地!!!

Added: Please have a master or international friends to drying under the Wencai urge you not only a simple translation of information or more on the subject and the questions people will understand more some of their operations to pla