
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 07:48:40
Aviation Maintenance, Hear All About It
部分: DOM Notebook
With a shortage of techs in the offing, PAMA wants to give voice and appeal to a vital profession.

A few years ago I boarded a Boeing 737 for a business trip, but when the last passenger found a seat, the pilot announced that we would be delayed for about an hour. It was raining and I presumed that the delay was due to weather. Then I noticed a lone technician under the open cowl on the starboard engine. It was cold, wet and windy — been there, done that. After about a half hour, the technician came aboard and stood at the cockpit door — never a good sign. I could see the young fellow talking to the pilots. He was cold and soaked to the bone. The pilots were not happy and you could tell they quizzing him, "Did you try …? Are you sure …?" Been there and done that, too.

The captain then announced over the intercom that a mechanical problem would prevent us from departing. Moans of despai


几年前,我登上了波音737客机的商务旅行,但在过去的乘客找到了座位,飞行员宣布,我们将推迟大约一个小时。这是下雨,我推定该延误是由于天气。然后我发现一名技术员开放罩下的右舷引擎。这是寒冷,潮湿和大风-在那里,这样做的。经过约一个半小时,来到上的技术员和站在驾驶舱门-从来没有一个良好的迹象。我可以看到小伙子交谈飞行员。他是冷战和浸透到了骨头。飞机上的飞行员不会高兴,你能告诉他们提问他, “你尝试... ?您确定... ? ”在那里,并做了。

机长发现后,宣布了对讲机,一个机械故障将阻止我们离开。绝望的呻吟声引起机舱。一名乘客抱怨到另一个,指着技术员, “为什么不是他操纵飞机外面? ”我相信,如果有任何希望,解决了这个问题,技术员宁愿一直在寒冷,潮湿的夜晚比面临十分不满乘客,驾驶员和不安。

一般公众也知之甚少,很少甚至认为航空维修技术人员。不幸的是,当他们想到和忽视,它通常是指一些的错误和旅行者即将不便航班延误或取消。几年layfolk赞赏数额的培训和专门知识必须保持飞机飞行安全。在最近的维修工人罢工的西北航空公司的技师,一位金融分析师表示漠然地说: “力学是最简单的劳动力市场,以取代。 ”许?当我问发言人特雷西卡尔森西北公司如何如此迅速地训练1200年非联盟更换技术要求每部分121远,她说: “我们不提供详细的培训。 ” (培训的童话,也许? )