light night,dark stars急求翻译,在线等

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 11:51:57
Thousands of people around the globe step outside to gaze at their night sky. On a clear night, with no clouds, moonlight, or artificial lights to block the view, people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky, says Dennis Ward, an astronomer with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colo1. But when people are surrounded by city lights, he says, they're lucky to see 150 stars.

If you've ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from a great distance, you've witnessed light pollution. It occurs when light from streetlights, office buildings, signs, and other sources streams into space and illuminates the night sky. This haze of light makes many stars invisible to people on Earth. Even at night, big cities like New York glow from light pollution, making stargazing2 difficult.

Dust and particles of pollution from factories and industries worsen the effects of light pollution. "If one city has a l

地球上成千上万的人喜欢到户外凝视夜空。在一个清朗的夜晚,在没有云,没有月光,没有人造光源的情况下,可以看见14,000颗星星。Dennis Ward是美国科罗拉多州的玻尔市大学大气研究社团的天文学者,他说当人们在城市灯光的包围下,运气好的话能看到150颗星星。
由工业界产生的尘土和微粒的污染比光污染更严重。Ward 说如果一个城市比其它城市光污染更多,那这个城市的居民受苦的比例就更大。
越来越多的证据表明,比如,候鸟使用日落和日出,以帮助找到出路。Sydney Gauthreaux Jr.美国一科学家说,当光出现在晚上,这是一个破坏性影响。有时候,鸟飞到了灯塔上,高楼大厦,广播电台和电视台的电缆上。专家们估计,每年至少有数百万鸟死于这种方式。

数以千计的世界各地的人们走出来的目光在夜空。在一个晴朗的夜晚,没有云彩,月光,或人工灯光来阻止认为,人们可以看到超过14000星在天空中说,丹尼斯区,天文学家公司与大学大气研究( UCAR )在博尔德, Colo1 。但是,当人们所包围城市之光,他说,他们很幸运地看到150星。


灰尘和颗粒污染的工厂和工业恶化的影响,光污染。 “如果一个城市有更多的光污染比另一个, ”沃德说, “这个城市将受到影响光污染的更大的规模