高分悬赏 帮我翻译成英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 00:33:55


夏洛克:他是高利贷资本的代表,是一毛不拔的守财奴。可见其心胸狭窄,复仇心极重,可见其冷酷无情。夏洛克对别人的谩骂反唇相讥,冷静和自信的态度活灵活现。败诉以后他又想要三倍的还款,贪吝的本性又复原了,守财奴的本相暴露无遗。他是一个不折不扣的恶魔。 同时,他也是一个在基督教社会里受欺侮的犹太人。人们既鄙夷他的贪婪,憎恨他的残酷,又多少同情他所受的种族压迫和屈辱。

Tom Jones is a passionate person of flesh and blood. His kind nature of people loyal sincere, magnanimous and chivalrous forthright, sincere emotion, full of vigor and vitality at the same time, he is uninhibited落拓of willfulness. At the same time he is a chivalrous brave, helpful young people.

Hamlet is, in the enemy's stronger adverse circumstances, he dares to carry out tit-for-tat struggle against him break a set of奸王- each trap:
But Hamlet is certainly not "perfect." Although he was good at thinking, but indecisive; Although he loved by the people, but the people do not believe that. He said: "Time is becoming more like what, - a peasant's toe was so close to a courtier's heel, the latter Chilblain abrasions." Hamlet's social reforms can be seen with the changes demanded by farmers far. Although Hamlet has an admirable talent, hardwant to, but he always dies unhappy, hesitant, he has always been isolated. This doomed him to d