
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 01:34:16

?? 也许有人很贫穷,一无所有,但他活得快乐,活得精彩,活得充实。因为他乐观豁达,他相信自己能改变人生,改变生命的价值,凭着这股信念,他始终坚持不懈,前进的道路坎坷难走,但他并不畏惧,因为他有一颗钢铁般的百坚不催的心,正是这颗心,给了他勇气与意志,尽历艰辛,在人生路上洒满汗水,最终摘到成功之花,享受成功的喜悦。也许他会成为世界首富,或者亿万富翁,但他那颗坚定、坚毅、坚韧的心仍旧不变,他仍然像贫穷一样,不断地奋斗,追求更高的目标,直到攀上人生的颠峰。
?? 而有的人从小含着金钥匙出生,过着锦衣足食、无忧无虑的生活,他们不思上进,一无是处,他们拥有的心像玻璃,一打就碎,他们禁不起挫折与失败,一旦失败,他们就再也爬不起来。当他们挥霍光他们的财产时,他们只能沦落为穷人。而一向享惯荣华富贵的他们,由于无法接受这种粗茶淡饭的生活,甚至会走上极端。我为这种人感到悲哀!他们的心灵如此脆弱,如此不堪一击,他们是无法立足于这个布满挫折与泪水的社会的!
?? 其实,挫折并不是什么大不了的事,贫穷也没什么,人生总是有许许多多的挫折,既然不能避免,为什么不乐观地去面对?一个人的命运并不在于家庭环境的好坏,而是在于有没有一颗乐观、坚强、上进的心,它能使一个人从低谷走到颠峰,也能让人从山峰摔下悬崖。
?? 而这种良好的心态,正是决定你的贫穷与富有的重要因素,只要我们能拆下那堵无形的墙,用一种乐观、坚强、上进的眼光来看待生命,那么,世上也不存在什么贫穷与富有了
eg.Unless the heart is full,even a rich man is poor.

Poor, rich, these two words seems quite distant, yet they are quite close together. THey are separated by an invisible wall, and this particular wall, happen to be our mind.
Some people are quite poor, don't have many possessions, but he can live happily, live with joy, live with satisfaction. Because he is optimistic, and belives he can change his life, he can change the value of his life, and using this thought, he shall never give up. The path forward may be rocky and rugged, but he doesn't back down from the difficulties, because he has a heart made out of steel, unbreakable, and this heart, gave him courage and will, with lots of efforts, sweating on the journey of life, and finally reach to the flower of success and enjoy the glory of success. Maybe he will become a milionaire, but his determined heart will never change, he'll still be like the way he was when he owned nothing, keep fighting and reaching for a higher target and finally reach the peak of human