来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 21:16:24
Most European governments approach risk-based regulation
through a process of analysis. In many cases, this is based on the

work of the US National Research Council, as elaborated by the
Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Food and Agricultural
Organization, and the World Health Organization. In this frame-
work, decision-making consists of three steps: risk assessment (the
determination of the likelihood of occurrence and magnitude of
harm); risk management (the weighing, selecting, and implementing

of policies in the light of this assessment); and risk communication.
Overall, this practice sees risk analysis as an iterative process, in
which decisions are reviewed periodically, taking into account new
knowledge and the outcomes of past decisions.

大多数欧洲国家政府的做法基于风险的监管过程中通过分析。在许多情况下,这是基于工作的美国国家研究理事会的详细规定,食品法典委员会,粮食及农业组织和世界卫生组织。在此框架内,决策包括三个步骤:风险评估(的决心,发生的可能性和严重程度的损害) ;风险管理(称量,选择,和执行的政策,根据这一评估) ;和风险通报。总体而言,这种做法风险分析认为,作为一个反复的过程在作出决定的定期审查,同时考虑到新知识和新的成果,过去的决定。

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