
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 04:10:27
本设计是对键槽、联轴器、齿轮和轴承进行参数化设计,设计过程中,应用了Access数据库、嵌于Auto CAD 2004的VBA和Auto LISP程序,主要设计思想是:利用VBA对常用结构进行选择和设计,并通过查询Access数据库生成相关参数,而不用再去查找大量资料,最后生成可读文本文件(文件中包括绘图用到的相关数据),然后利用Auto LISP程序调用可读文本文件对设计的常用结构直接进行绘图。这样,从零部件的设计到绘图一次完成,大大提高了设计和绘图时间。

The design is to process parameters of the key groove, the shaft coupling, the gear and the bearing. It makes use of the Access database, VBA embeded in Auto CAD 2004 and Auto LISP programs. The main idea is to select and design regular structures by VBA, generate related parameters by searching the Access database in exemption of the trouble of seeking among many materials, and at last form a readable file including the plotting data. Afterwards utilize Auto LISP and draw the plot according to the readable file. Thus the procedures from design of pieces to the plot drawing are once finished. The designing and drawing time is much saved.

The design is key slot, shaft coupling, gear and bearings for the design parameters of the design process, the application of the Access database, inlay in Auto cad 2004 and the Auto lisp VBA procedures, the main design concepts : using VBA common structure for the selection and design, Access databases and enquiries generated through rele