
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 00:30:34
现在.地震已经造成数十万人伤亡.许多房屋和学校被毁. 数百万人无家可归.生活十分困难.他们都需要得到帮助.那里学生需要我们的帮助.学校需要重建.同学们.请伸出你们的手.捐钱或者 其他东西给他们.帮助他们度过难关

Now. Earthquake has caused hundreds of thousands of casualties. Lot of houses and schools were destroyed. Millions of people homeless. Life is difficult. They all need help. Where students need our help. Schools need to be rebuilt. Students . Please extend your hand. donate money or other things to them. to help them tide over their difficulties