
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 18:22:22
专门用途英语(Eng lish for Sp ecific Purp ose),简称ESP,是指与某种特定职业或学科相关的英语, 是根据学习者的特定目的和特定需要而开设的英语课程.专门用途英语的教学主张形成于20世纪60年. 其理论基础是功能主义的语言观.从20世纪60年代初期开始,ESP的发展经过了(1)语域分析阶段、(2)修辞或篇章分析阶段、(3)目标情景分析阶段,现正处于第四阶段即技能分析阶段,而第五阶段以学习为中心阶段正处于萌芽状态。
ESP现已发展成一个大家族。主要包括:English for occupational purposes ,English for academic purposes,English for science and technology 。ESP因其目的明确,针对性强,实用价值高而与传统的EGP(English for General Purposes)并存,受到我国外语界广泛的关注与研究。今天,ESP 已经成为一个“范围宽广、形式多样的英语教学领域”
在我国,ESP通常被称为专业英语。上个世纪70年代末,我国英语教育界才开始对ESP给与关注。进入80年代以后,我国的ESP教学出现了很好的势头,在现今这个社会,随着世界经济全球化的进一步推进, 英语作为国际交流语言在国际商贸与技术的交流中发挥着越来越大的作用, ESP 教学在高等教育中的地位也日益突出, 并已逐渐形成了一个范围宽广, 形式多样的英语教学领域,“成为21 世纪英语教学的主流”


Special use English (Eng lish for Purp ecific unre ose), Sp, refers to as ESP with certain professional or related disciplines, according to the English learners is specific to particular purpose and the English curriculum. Special use English teaching advocated formed in 20 centuries 60 years. Is based on the theory of functional view. From the beginning of the 1960s, ESP's development after (1) language domain analysis, (2) rhetoric or discourse analysis, (3) target scene analysis phase, are in the fourth stage, and the fifth phase analysis skills in learning center stage stage budding.
ESP has developed into a large family. Mainly includes: two, two for occupational likely for academic likely, two for train and beaver. Because of its purpose, ESP pertinence, practical value and the traditional EGP (likely) before spending for Chinese language, is widely attention and research. Today, ESP has become a "wide range, the various forms of English teaching."