
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 17:22:31
摘 要:
随着“80后”一代人的成长,企业里“80后”员工的人数越来越多。对于现在的管理者而言,如何管理“80后”已经成为一个全新而重要课题。他们将成为大多数公司的主力员工。而且,任何时代都是属于年轻人的.“80后”必然成为时代的新主流。他们的在职场的行为引起社会各界的广泛争议,同时也引来越来越多的人们诧异的目光。如何有效管理“80后”员工,使其真正为企业所用,已成为让许多管理者头疼的问题。 “80后”是伴着物质充裕成长起来的,经济处境的变化,自然影响到“80后”一线员工对工作的看法和价值观,“80后”新型员工以自我为中心、崇尚自由。然而,许多企业中的管理者,慢慢发现自己积累了多年的管理方式、方法,在“80后”身上,并不大起效果。“80后”的管理课题、管理理论的缺失,实际工作中的冲击与碰撞,让“如何管理80后”成为各个企业管理者所必须面对的问题。面对80后员工,我们不要首先就把他们标签化。其实,80后员工希望得到尊重和肯定,获得价值认同感。”管理者需要抛开成见与认知误区,用心去读懂80后员工的真正需求。本文分析了“80后”员工的工作特点结合其成长背景分析“80后” 职场现象产生的原因,进而以人力资源管理,借鉴国内外一些知名企业管理的最优实践,并结合相关的法律知识,得出“80后”员工管理的方法和措施,并提出了如何有效管理“80后”的对策意见。



With the "80 after the" generation of the growth of enterprises, "after 80" the number of employees is increasing. For now the managers how to manage the "80 after" has become a new and important subject. They will become the majority of the company's main staff. Furthermore, any time young people are. "80 after" the time will inevitably become the new mainstream. Their behavior in the workplace caused by a wide range of community disputes, but also attracted more and more and more people are surprised eyes. How effective management "after 80" employees, it really used for the enterprise has become a headache for many managers question."80, after" are accompanied by sufficient material to grow up, economic situation changes, the natural effects of that "after 80" front-line staff of the views and values, "80 after the" new employee self-centered, free. However, many enterprise ma