
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 06:11:46
1从他的外貌看,我很难猜测出他的年龄(tell) 2常时间暴露在阳光下对你的皮肤有害(expose) 3随着科技的发展,人们越来越意识到人际交往的重要形(aware) 4在海外三年的求学生涯,对他而言是弥足珍贵的人生经历(experience) 5只有当食品生产者真正认识到食品安全的重要性,毒奶粉事件才会消失(Only) 6如果父母对孩子的一些坏习惯熟视无睹,这些坏习惯终将成为孩子成功的绊脚石(develop)

1)It's hard to tell his age just from his appearance
2) It's harmful for your skin to be exposed under the sun
3) As the science and technology develop, people are gradually aware of the importance of interpersonal communication
4) To study at abroad for 3 years is an cherishable experience for him
5)only when food producers are aware of the importance of food production safety, could toxic milk powder disappear
6) If parents are indifferent to them, those bad habits could prevent children form developing