
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 08:53:48
(1) 在教学目标上,只注重知识的掌握而忽视实际能力的培养。教师讲得过多,提供给学生独立掌握知识,主动训练能力的机会太少。
(2) 在教学过程中,学生主体地位得不到体现。学生常处于被动状态,没有时间及时思考,消化,吸收所学的知识。他们成为学习方法呆板的记录机,学习的目的只是为了应付考试。
(3) 教师教学方法啊呆板,不能透彻的掌握教材,处理课文缺乏灵活性,长年累月重复一种教学方法,灌输多种启发,教师的主体地位不能体现出来,教与学的双方都缺乏主动性,这不利于学生兴趣的培养,不利于调动学生学习的积极性。
(4) 许多教师不了解学生身心发展情况以及各个年龄阶段学习外语的特征,在教学中,他们只注重自己教的感受,忽视学生的心理发展特点,忽视学生的学习自我体验,使教与学产生了脱节的现象。


“Just like unwilling intake of food is harmful to the health, unwilling study is harmful to the brain, and memories thus made won't be kept for long”. Leonardo da Vinci’s simple words vividly explains the importance of interest in learning. Entering the 21th century, with more and more international political dialogs and trades, global communication and transmissioin of technology, share of resources and education, English has been the major press kit. Therefore, it has been a basic requirement for citizens to learn a foreign language, especially English, for the sake of keeping up with the times, and easily “bringing in and taking out” in the process of globalizatioin. In recent years, innovation has been taking place in foreign language teaching with varied teaching schools and methods born. However, many teachers have been focusing on the innovation of teaching links, neglacting the learnig link on the part