翻译 谁会!!急 不要翻译器翻出来的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 09:00:45
From the classical viewpoint or contractual theory of a limited company, the latter is incorporated by means of a contract, and the company is answerable to its shareholders. As pointed out by Garrigues [1971: p. 35], modern (or institutional) theory does not dispute the fact that the company has been incorporated by means of a contract but states that this contract has given rise to an institution, that is, a body whose mission is the pursuit of an intermediary interest that lies between that of individuals and the community in which it finds itself. It is in this context that CSR is so important and that we have moved from a situation in which companies have a duty almost solely to inform their owners to one in which they must draw up accounting information for all, that is, for the greatest possible number of economic and social players.


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