
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 01:01:29
我认为 通过发放H - 1B签证的形式雇佣的外国人雇员通常用于高学历以及某方面很高的工作能力.所以在任职之初可以先把他们安排在teamwork中进行初期的训练.

Employees employed under H-1B visa are usually well educated and have very high ability in some respects, therefore I think that they should be arranged for primary training in teamwork at the very beginning of their tenure.

I think that through the issuance of H - 1B visa foreigners the form of employment for employees are usually highly educated, as well as some very high working ability. Therefore, the early days in office before they can be carried out in the early teamwork training.