
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 22:26:33
if you have felt shy,at least once ,you are not alone.Everyone feels shy in some situations. Shyness is what causes that "funny"feeling you get when you are around other people. It's just something that happens. It can just sneak up on you . You might feel fine on your way to deliver newspapers,but you could become jittery(战战兢兢)when the time comes to knock on doors to collect the money for those papers.

如果您觉得害羞,至少一次,你不觉得害羞.每一个人在某些情况下。害羞是什么原因, “滑稽”的感觉你当你周围其他人。这只是一些情况。它可以只是偷偷上你。你可能会感觉很好的方式,提供报纸,但你可以成为紧张(战战兢兢)在时机成熟时,敲门,门收集的钱为这些文件。