
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 23:47:40
就具体的部门事例而言,在联想收购IBM PC业务初期,联想为了两家企业的融合而强调的“职业化”,但双方的心态有着天壤之别,IBM员工待遇优厚工作相对清闲,到了联想后有种失落感,而联想员工更会有不平衡感。美国的

For concrete examples of department, Lenovo emphasis on "professionalization" at the beginning stage of the merging with IBM PC department. But the members of two company really share totally different minds with each other. Employees of IBM used to have a relative leisure job with perfect money, and have a feeling of loss after join in Lenovo; And former Lenovo member did have a feeling of unfair.