
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 16:57:15
Figure 7.8(a)magnitude and (b) phase of the reflectivity plotted as a function of detuning δLg for a uniform fiber grating with κLg=2(dashed curve) orκLg=3(solid curve)
Where q2=δ2-κ2 and Lg is the grating length. Figure 7.8 shows the reflectivity [H(ω)]2 and the phase of [H(ω)] forκLg=2 and 3.the grating reflectivity becomes nearly 100% within the stop band forκLg=3 .However as the phase is nearly linear in that region ,the grating-induced dispersion exists only outside the stop band. Noting that the propagation β=βB±q, where the choice of sign depends on the sign of δ,and expandingβ in a Taylor series as was done in Eq.(2.4.4) for fibers, the dispersion parameters of a fiber grating are given by [54]

Where νg is the group velocity of the pulse with the carrier frequency ω0=2πc/λ0.
Figure 7.9 shows how βg2 varies with the detuning parameter δfor values of κ in the range 1 to 10 cm-1 the grating-induced GVD depends on thesign of detuning δ.the GVD is anomalous

(一)级人物7.8级,(b)阶段的反射率绘制的失谐δLg为均匀光纤光栅和κLg = 2(冲曲线)orκLg = 3(固体曲线)。
在第二δ2-κ2和Lg是=光栅长度。数字显示的反射率[H的7.8级(ω)]2号和相位[H(ω)]forκLg = 2和3光栅反射变得几乎100%的阻带forκLg内的阶段= 3。几乎是线性在这个地区,这个grating-induced外扩散只存在于阻带。这位传播ββB±问,(取决于所选择的标志的标志,expandingβδ在泰勒级数是做。(2.4.4 Eq)纤维、弥散参数,给出了光纤光栅[54]

在νg是一组脉冲速度和载波频率ω0 = 2πc /λ0。
图7.9显示βg2随δfor参数值展宽κ在1到10的范围内的grating-induced cm-1效应导致的失谐δ.the取决于thesign是异常的效应导致高频或“蓝色”的阻带在正面和载波频率δis超过光栅频率。相反,它本地变得正常(βg2。> 0)在低频或“红色”的阻带,红色可以用于补偿标准的纤维的异常效应导致βg2。既然能超过1000 ps2 /厘米,一个单一的2cm-long光栅可以用于补偿效应导致的,然而100-km fiber.三阶色散光栅的传播,减少了。快速的变化[H(ω)]接近的带隙利用均匀光纤光栅色散补偿,非但不实用。
这个问题可以解决了apodization技术指标变化ng是由在光栅.resulting非统一z-dependentκ中。在实践中,这样的apodization自然发生在一个紫外线高斯光束的全息光栅用于写(51)。对于这种光栅,κpeaks中心和蜡烛两头降到零。有更好的方法包括制作光栅,这样κvaries线性整个长度的光纤光栅在1996年试验[上图)。这样的11-cm-long光栅法得到补偿效应导致了10-Gb /秒

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