更改语法中的错误,(通句)高手请进- -

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 04:41:37
把这一段用错的单词或语法和句子调整规律 -- 高手们麻烦了,此段朋友拜托本人帮忙改写 但由于太忙实在无法全部纠正所以留出一段让网上们的高手代劳 奖励200分(含追加)- -感激不尽
(好久没问问题了 忘记POST了 补上- -嘿嘿) Dr. King showed many inequality examples to the audience. He more hopes people, especially the white society, to understand their motive to start that movement is not because they want to be opponents of white society. The point is the inequality and races oppressed the black people, and forced them to act out the unavoidable action, as they tried to strive with their equality. By all means, Dr. King wanted the moral society to treat the black people more equality to give them some freedom and equal air to breathe, to give them a better environment to live and to let the black brothers feel they are treated equally as others.
Dr. King wrote his letter to express his thought; it shows his persona is knowledgeable, calm and patient. His impartiality great thought leads his black brothers to the light way.

Dr. King gave many examples of inequality to the audience. Furthermore, He hoped that people, especially the white society, would understand that their motive to start the movement was not because they wanted to be the opponents of the white society. The point was the blacks were treated unequally and oppressed by the whites, and were forced to take the unavoidable action as they tried to strive for their equality. By all means, Dr. King wanted the moral society to treat the black people more equally to give them some freedom and equal air to breathe, to give them a better environment to live in and to let the black brothers feel they were treated equally as others.

Dr. King expressed his thoughts quite effectively, which showed he was knowledgeable, calm and patient. His impartial and great thoughts led his black brothers in the right way.
